MSF responds to the outcomes of PPR negotiations at WHA77  

Geneva, 4 June 2024 

In concluding the 77th World Health Assembly, World Health Organization (WHO) member states adopted a set of historic amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), which establishes the definition of a ‘pandemic emergency’; includes several provisions addressing global inequity in access to health products during public health emergencies of international concern, including pandemic emergencies; and enables WHO to support developing countries in building, strengthening and maintaining the core capacities to prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies in the future. Member states also adopted a resolution to continue the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) negotiation for a WHO Pandemic Agreement for up to one more year. ​ 

Dr Maria Guevara, MSF International Medical Secretary: 

"MSF welcomes these new amendments to the IHR as an important first step towards addressing inequity in access to medical care and health products during global health emergencies. As a medical humanitarian organisation responding to emergencies globally, we are encouraged to see explicit recognition of the need to ensure access to health products during health emergencies, including in humanitarian settings. ​ 

“As the INB negotiation is extended for another year, we urge WHO member states to remember the clear lessons learned from the past health emergencies, from Ebola virus disease to COVID, follow the example of the IHR amendments, and complete the package of measures needed for a just framework for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. ​ 

“In the next phase of INB negotiations, governments should build on the progress made and commit to stronger obligations on remaining issues, including ensuring transparency and transfer of technologies and know-how; linking people’s contributions to research and development with the requirement to ensure access to medical products; collaborating on production, supply, stockpiling and allocation efforts; and establishing a global mechanism for pathogen access and benefit sharing.” ​ 


For interviews, please contact Morag McKenzie,



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About Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Access Campaign

In 1999, in the wake of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, MSF launched the Access Campaign. Its purpose has been to push for access to, and the development of life-saving and life prolonging medicines, diagnostic tests and vaccines for patients in MSF programmes and beyond.


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